The 8 interdisciplinary workshops organized by Turin IAAD took place from February 12 to February 17 and involved 250 students, 20 teachers and many guests from the worlds of innovation and culture.
The central theme was “Identity and Change”, an analysis of the school’s past, present and future.
The main ideas behind the event were summarized by Francesco Morace, sociologist and founder Future Concept Lab, who spoke about how to maintain one’s identity in a society characterized by fast-pacing changes.
“The priority of our times is to amplify human quality, going beyond any artificial intelligence. Our society is undergoing not just a change, but a metamorphosis.
“In the coming years the professional and the creative process will be centered around three concepts: curiosity, passion and care.
“Each of them, if followed in an exclusive way, can derail : curiosity alone can be dispersive, passion alone can be ossessive and care alone can be depressing.
“We need to teach and learn how to mix these three elements in a very delicate balance.”
The event was also marked by the announcement of a second facility in Turin, in Corso Regio Parco, featuring 1,500 square meters that join the existing 3,000 square meters of the Lavazza headquarter opened in 2013.
The Workshops
1. IAAD Knowledge Web
By Federico De Giuli (architect)
A workshop that created a mapping of IAAD’s network.
2. Identity and Spaces
By Walter Nicolino (architect and designer)
A study of the different solutions for schools’ facilities – concentrated vs scattered – and the connections with the identity and the link to the environment.
3. The Future Identity of Transportation Design: understanding the future through the past
By Pietro Nume (Senior Design e Art Director at Chris Bangle Associates)
Car design has been strongly linked with emotions throughout its entry history. The workshop explored the possible evolution of the identity of vehicles in the next 50 years, due to the technology advancements along with the social and political events.
4. From local tradition to new classics
By Davide Negri (architect and designer)
The workshop explored how lifestyles have evolved in the last 40 years and how they influenced the objects used everyday within our homes, starting from iconic designs of the 1970s to the study of possible future scenarios.
5. 40 Years of Fashion, 40 Years of IAAD: transformations in fashion and interpretations of changes
By Giuseppina Di Paola (fashion designer and founder of the Agata Della Torre brand)
The workshop analyzed the most significant events in the last 40 years of fashion.
6. IAAD Creative Social Network
By Pietro Birindelli (beauty and fashion photographer and video maker)
The goal was to interactively design a new social network for IAAD, trying to create something different from the existing platforms.
7. How to build a Castle in the Air (and other free thoughts)
by Lorenzo De Rita, Head of Research at The Soon Institute
A workshop on how to re-introduce pure, cheerful creativity in a world where amount of technologies and the rationalized, shared design processes have strongly limited the pure strength of personal ideas.
8. The storytelling begins with the Identity
By Andrea Bozzo (IAAD Communication and Graphic Design coordinator, collaborator with newspapers, publishes and companies)
A workshop strongly centered around storytelling, teaching how to listed to others’ stories and to structure them in order to create a common, shared story.
(Image Courtesy: IAAD for Car Body Design)