
Low-Cost Carbon Fiber Production

Microwave Assisted Plasma (MAP) Manufacturing of Carbon Fibers

Computer-aided design of structural parts from short fiber reinforced composites

Latest automobile applications in SMC, BMC and TMC

Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) – From Space to Earth

Building the future

Hypercar Inc. (Basalt, CO) is not an automobile manufacturing company. Yet the people there want to transform the capital-intensive industry by developing a better way to make cars. The small advanced technology development company has put together what by automotive industry standards is a microscopic team of seven engineers tasked with finding a better way […]

Advances in SMC/BMC Automotive Applications – PAPER

Advances in SMC/BMC Automotive Applications – PRESENTATION

Durability of Carbon-Fiber Composites

Modeling of Composite Preform Manufacturing

All Thermoplastic Lightweight Structural Rear-Seat-Back

Glossary: Terms being used in the SMC/BMC-Industry

SP Systems Guide to Composites

Agricultural Fibres for Product Design & Development

Future of Automotive Body Materials: Steel, Aluminum & Polymer Composites

Dodge shines at SPE awards program

Ideas and concepts with Bayer materials for the car interior of tomorrow

Plastics – A Material of Choice in the Automotive Industry


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