T-Splines Tutorials
How to approach modeling with T-Splines
A video clip from a T-Splines webinar, where Sky Greenawalt and Kyle Houchens discuss approaches to 3D modeling using T-Splines in Rhino.
Vehicle modeling with T-Splines for Rhino 3D
A 30 minute tutorial where instructor Kyle Houchens explains how to use T-Splines’ polygonal modeling to create different hood scoops.
Modeling a car with T-Splines for Rhino
A 4.5 hours webinar in three parts where designer Kyle Houchens provides an overview of his process of modeling cars with T-Splines for Rhino.
Modeling a car body in T-Splines
This detailed tutorial (56 pages in pdf format) shows how to model complex cars like the Alfa Romeo 147 GTA using the T-Splines Maya plugin and various techniques.