The strategic agreement between Seat and Segway aims at responding to the growing demand for last-mile electric urban mobility solutions.
Thanks to its large 8 inch diameter wheels, the eXS is easy to ride and its front and rear suspensions give it smooth handling. The battery and engine combination enables it to travel up to 25km/h.
The eXS is also equipped with front and rear LED lights, customizable ambient light, an LCD screen, cruise control and an anti-theft deterrent, and an additional battery can be connected to increase its range, which reaches a maximum of 45km, depending on conditions.
As part of its Easy Mobility strategy, the brand’s objective is to build its product and service portfolio by presenting new solutions to the market in the framework of urban mobility.
Seat is currently looking for Spanish cities to implement a pilot test with a fleet of shared Seat eXS that is open to the public. The recently created independent SEAT Group company XMOBA will be responsible for carrying out the tests order to study the potential of the eXS for improving mobility in urban centers.
(Source: Seat)