IED Barcelona launches Scholarhip Contest 2020

The Istituto Europeo di Design – IED Barcelona has launched the Scholarship Contest 2020, offering 17 international full scholarhips for its Undegraduate, Bachelor and Diplomas Courses – including Transportation Design.

The contest is open to students from all over the world under 26 years of age. Prizes include 17 international scholarships in Transportation Design, Fashion, Design, Visual Communication or Management 2020/2021 academic year for its university degree (Undergraduate Degrees, Bachelor and Diplomas Courses – English and Spanish) in Barcelona.

Clay modeling Transportation Design at IED Barcelona

The scholarship covers 100% of the tuition fee.

Candidates will be required to put forward ideas and projects under the theme “RESPECT” Based on their own individual experience and ideas, candidates will be asked to conceive innovative solutions, products or design plans according to the theme in line in line with the course they wish to take.

The project has to be submitted with a description thereof in the language in which their chosen course is held.

A Selection Committee will award the scholarships to the best works. The deadline for submitting projects is 31st March 2020.

For more information visit

UPDATE: Contest rules and registration page can be found at:

(Image Courtesy: IED Barcelona for Car Body Design)


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