Designing and testing human computer interaction: A case study in virtual clay modelling

by: Mrs C.C.M. Hummels and Dr C.J. Overbeeke (Delft University of Technology - The Netherlands) 17 May 2007 | 15 views
Year: 1998 | Document Type: PAPER | File Format: pdf | Language: uk
Designing and testing human computer interaction: A case study in virtual clay modelling
Proceedings of the 31th ISATA conference, Automotive Automation Limited, Croydon, 1998.


In this paper we present an interaction design method that starts from the user and his task. This implies that the designer has to develop perceivable actions for the user, based on the task to perform and the perceptual-motor skills of the user.

Technical or time constraints of the design project must not hamper the natural performance of the task. Finally, the interaction designer should design a HCI system by extensively performing user tests with low fidelity prototypes with high (inter)action relevance. We tested this interaction design method for virtual clay modelling. The results support our belief that this method is of use in developing intuitive systems.

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