StyleCam: Interactive stylized 3D navigation using integrated spatial and temporal controls

by: Nicholas Burtnyk, Azam Khan, George W. Fitzmaurice, Ravin Balakrishnan, Gordon Kurtenbach 30 Jan 2008 | 15 views
Year: 2002 | Document Type: PAPER | File Format: pdf | Language: uk
StyleCam: Interactive stylized 3D navigation using integrated spatial and temporal controls
Proceedings of UIST 2002 - the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, p. 101-110.


This paper describes StyleCam, an approach for authoring 3D viewing experiences that incorporate stylistic elements that are not available in typical 3D viewers. A key aspect of StyleCam is that it allows the author to significantly tailor what the user sees and when they see it. The resulting viewing experience can approach the visual richness and pacing of highly authored visual content such as television commercials or feature films. At the same time, StyleCam allows for a satisfying level of interactivity while avoiding the problems inherent in using unconstrained camera models.

The main components of StyleCam are camera surfaces which spatially constrain the viewing camera; animation clips that allow for visually appealing transitions between different camera surfaces; and a simple, unified, interaction technique that permits the user to seamlessly and continuously move between spatial-control of the camera and temporal-control of the animated transitions.

Further, the user’s focus of attention is always kept on the content, and not on extraneous interface widgets. In addition to describing the conceptual model of StyleCam, its current implementation, and an example authored experience, we also present the results of an evaluation involving real users.

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