Advanced 3D-CAD Design Methods in Education and Research

by: Mario Hirz, Alexander Harrich, Patrick Rossbacher (Institute of Automotive Engineering Graz University of Technology, Austria) 20 Apr 2010 | 10 views
Year: 2009 | Document Type: PAPER | File Format: pdf | Language: uk
Advanced 3D-CAD Design Methods in Education and Research
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics - Volume 7 - Number 6 - 2009.


The integration of advanced virtual engineering methods into 3D-CAD based development processes leads to increased requirements, concerning the software packages as well as regarding the applied procedures and strategies. Modern IT- based engineering tools offer much more than the conventional development methodologies in component creation and digital mock-up processes. The trend definitely goes into the direction of simultaneous CAE – support during the layout and design phases, attendant quality and structural management and the implementation of external data sources and receivers into the product development. It is up to the engineers to tap the full potential of virtual engineering processes regarding time reduction, error prevention in early phases and through technical modifications, whereas the applied methods and strategies represent a key factor on the way to efficient progresses.

The present publication includes an assessment and evaluation of modern 3D-CAD based development processes and discusses future prospects in the field of virtual engineering. On the basis of parametric geometry generation, different methods and tools, which are able to increase the efficiency in virtual development processes, will be introduced and compared.

(Source: Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics)

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