Winning by design: the methods of Gordon Murray

by: Nigel Cross, Anita Clayburn Cross 4 Mar 2009 | 12 views
Year: 1996 | Document Type: ARTICLE | File Format: pdf | Language: uk
Winning by design: the methods of Gordon Murray
Faculty of Technology, The Open University, Milton Keynes. Design Studies - Volume 17, Issue 1, January 1996, Pages 91-107


This is a case study of the working methods of one particularly successful designer in a highly competitive design domain, Formula One racing car design. Gordon Murray was chief designer for the very successful Brabham and McLaren racing car teams in the 1970s and 1980s.

His record of success is characterized by innovative breakthroughs, often arising as sudden illuminations, based on considering the task from first principles and from a systemic viewpoint.

His working methods are highly personal, and include intensive use of drawings. Personality factors and team management abilities also appear to be relevant. There are some evident similarities with some other successful, innovative designers.

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