Modifications De Formes Complexes – Complex Shape Modifications
Generally speaking, Engineering in Reverse (EiR) is a process for generating a model from its properties. As there is often no biuniqueness between a model and its properties, an initializing model is required to start refinement in an EiR loop. It helps the user to solve complex problems having a high number of control parameters. One of its implementations could be used to control the shape of a model via target properties (Target Driven Design).
The modification of shapes is an important issue of computer-aided geometry whether to fit local/global aesthetic requirements, or engineering constraints. A modification operation has to satisfy certain criteria while keeping, or even improving, the original shape quality independently of its underlying representation.
This functionality is a good candidate for EiR. The algorithm that permits the elementary action of the forward branch of a EiR process is required. Such an algorithm could be implemented as a software component.
The purpose of this contribution is to show how MATRA DATAVISION addresses this issue. Since the work is related to a Brite-Euram project (FIORES), a brief overview of it will precede the presentation of a MATRA DATAVISION CAS.CADE component. The resulting functionality is, by far, a step ahead from what is available today on the market. A significant decrease in the final style tuning time can be expected.